Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Marriage Proposal.

This is one of the special days of my life. It happened on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon on top of the green luxury mountain of Vaiola College. During my class prep. I asked my Flora, if she was ready to climb the mountain so we can take a picture together on the mountain of our high school, before we go back to Hawaii for school. Of course she was more than ready to climb that mountain. She had never been on top of it before, so this was her first time. She climbed that steep mountain with no clue of what was going to happen. It was a big surprise for her. When we got up there we kind of rest a little, then i had to go look where Bishop Aleni Fuatimau placed the ring. Bishop's Family Home Evening activity was to hike on the mountain, and to put the ring somewhere in preparation for this special moment the next day, which was Tuesday. I was already excited about this, but I was soon to call my Flora and ask her if she could come up to Vaiola that Tuesday, so we can take a picture, before I leave.That was my last day of teaching at Vaiola before going back to Hawaii, so if there was a time to do what i wanted to do, it was then.

This is the beautiful picture of the great mountain of Vaiola. One of my best friends, Al Fuatimau added the picture of Christ beind and upon the mountain which makes really nice. The picture
of Christ shows the Spirit that the students of this great institution of Vaiola emulates.
I only talked about the Spirit that the students radiates, but what i really meant was everone who enters this place, those who live in it, and especially those who go to this place to further their light and knowledge through education and spiritual edification. I was one of those people who have been so blessed to attend this school. from this school go the many wonderful, educated, experienced leaders of the Church now in Samoa, and no doubt there will be more in the future.


Devin said...

Congratulations to you two! I'm glad the whole trip worked out so well for you. It was fun to hear you plan it out for several weeks. Best of luck to the both of you!

Unknown said...

congratulations sole faifai lamu hahahaha